To blog or not to blog….?
That is a question that has been on my mind for a good while and a question that was discussed when deciding to update my website. While I enjoy writing finding the time, or maybe I should say making it a priority as part of my work, is what I need to work on…. So here goes on beginning my blog again.
The year got off to a very busy start working with the creative Cherie at Emerge Creative to redo my website to more fully reflect my creative work. At the same time working towards the first Bay of Plenty Open Studios 2024 which happened on the 23-25th Feb. While they were really positive experiences they required a lot of energy and I began to feel a little depleted in creative energy.

Opening morning of BOP Open Studios - excited, nervous, didn't know what to expect
In April we had a little family holiday which filled my creative tank and made me think about what inspires, motivates and fills the creative tank to enable us to continue creating.
We went north because I wanted to visit the Hundertwasser Art Centre. Hundertwassers creative work inspires me and I named him as one of five artists whose work I admire for an 8 month Masterclass I did with Jette Clover, a textile artist from Belgium. We had to write what inspired us about their work and I wrote “colours that pop, line and graphic patterns”.

A community textile project about Hundertwasser on display in The Basin
Needless to say visiting The Hundertwasser Centre was an energising experience and I soaked up the colour, the surface pattern and his care for the planet.
We also visited the Whangarei Quarry Gardens and did other walks in the area. Exploring new areas is a great way to gather inspiration and fill the energy tank.

"Te Kereru Rua" by Shane Hansen, at the Whangarei Quarry Gardens
Exquisite sunrises left me blown away with the magic of the new dawn and reminds me of something I wrote many years ago “In the sunrise of my heart another day dawns with the promise of a new beginning.”

On the way home we called in at the Auckland Art Gallery to see the Guo Pei: Fashion, Art and Fantasy exhibition and wow, what an amazing exhibition of art, design, craftsmanship and how an artist/designer and her team straddle the art and couture world.

I have returned home with my creative tank full ready to continue the creative journey. However I want to add one more piece of inspiration that is on quite a different note. I’ve often commented that as an artist I will probably never retire and when I was part of Craft NSW there were a few members in their 90’s still participating, creating and exhibiting. I found this so inspiring. Recently I had a little communication with a lady who was really important in my early creative journey as I moved out of the art school/uni experience to the real world of what it means to be an artist. She was part of a group of creative women who met at place they called The Shed. Recently I heard that one of the women turned 100 and in the week following her birthday she was having a solo exhibition. That is inspiring!
So what inspires you to continue on your creative journey?
Leave me a message, I would love to hear what it is that inspires you or fills your creative tank.